२० असोज, २०८१ (आइतबार)


You can also get the converted date to your website just with the help of API

  1. API to get TODAY's NEPALI Date (output: वि.सं २०७४ श्रावन ८, आइतबार)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=np
  2. API to get TODAY's English Date (output: 23 July 2017, Sunday)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=en
  3. API to get TODAY's NEPALI day or year or month or date (To display date as per your customization)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=np&dformat=day (output: आइतबार)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=np&dformat=yyyy (output: २०७४)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=np&dformat=mon (output: श्रावन)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=np&dformat=dd (outout: )
  4. API to get TODAY's ENGLISH day or year or month or date (To display date as per your customization)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=en&dformat=day (output:Sunday)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=en&dformat=yyyy (output: 2017)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=en&dformat=mon (output: Jul)
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=en&dformat=dd (outout:23)
  5. API to convert nepali to english date
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=e2n&date=22-07-2017
  6. API to convert english to nepali date
    • http://rajanmaharjan.com.np/getdate/get-json.php?dateType=e2n&date=22-07-2017

Allowed Values:

  1. dateType
    • np - to get nepali dates
    • en - to get english date
    • e2n - to convert from english to nepali
    • n2e - to convert from nepali to english
  2. dformat
    • yyyy - year in 4 character
    • mon - month in 3 character for english (e.g: JAN, FEB, MAR, DEC etc) For Nepali full month is displayed
    • dd - date in 2 character
    • day - day (Snday to Saturday)
    • adbs - A.D or B.S
  3. date
    • should be in format of dd-mm-yyyy
    • e.g: 02-07-2015 (english)
    • e.g: 31-05-2074 (nepali)
For more details please visit my blog